OrderCloud — Single Sign On — Salesforce
If you are interested to integrate some external app in OrderCloud platform as a SSO, ther are couple of examples already there:
- https://ordercloud.io/knowledge-base/sso-via-openid-connect
- https://ordercloud.io/knowledge-base/implementing-single-sign-on-with-google-idp
That’s great to start working with a new provider. I am today trying to use Salesforce as your IDP and use that platform to be able to log in to OrderCloud.
In order to integrate that, there are two sides of the work. 1. Salesforce side and 2. OrderCloud side
Create a connected app. Make sure you have the below changes
- Callback urls: “https://australiaeast-sandbox.ordercloud.io/ocrpcode”
- IP Relaxation: make sure you have proper IP relaxation set up in place
- Check the list of scopes you are gonna enable for this integration
- Tick all those oauth related settings
Once that’s done. It’s time to change from the OrderCloud side.
Create an integration event:
A sample integration event is as below:

I’m assuming you have done all those Api client related set up. You also need to make sure your storefront (A sample one is provided here: “https://github.com/ordercloud-api/openidconnect-poc”) is running via ngrok so that it can be accessible from OrderCloud portal by integration event
The next is to create the open id connect object as below:

Those highlighted ones are the importan one that you need to provide. You should get all those settings from the connected app of Salesforce.
After this, you can hit the sample app provided above, and you can see it successfully generates the token which can be used to interact to OrderCloud.
That’s it. If you have any question. You can reach out to me at: arif_uap@outlook.com